Restaurants & Canteens & Bars Einträge nach Datum: Recent entries: Restaurants & Canteens & Bars Restaurants & Canteens & Bars Einträge nach Datum: Recent entries: CarLo 615 Warnowufer 61, 18057 Rostock la petite cantine Große Scharrenstraße 5, 18055 Rostock Restaurant Käthe Barnstorfer Weg 10, 18057 Rostock Grüne Kombüse Grubenstraße 47, 18055 Rostock Canteen Süd Albert-Einstein-Straße 6a, 18059 Rostock Fair TradeRegionalOrganicSolidarity Improvement / Suggestion? Page title Page URL How can this entry be improved? – Bitte auswählen –Wrong addressWrong opening hoursInformations missingSomething is missingOther More information spamprotection (answer in lower case): It is raining cats and ...? Icon Food: made by Freepik from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY